Stephe Harrop

Contemporary storytelling in performance, training, and research

Stephe sits on the ground, her back to the camera, her arms outstretched, in a pool of light.


Henry V: The King’s Knickers

What do you think about when you think about England? Henry V kicking ass at Agincourt? Or great big M&S knickers? Part history, part story-set, and part straight-up rant, The King’s Knickers wilfully picks at the fraying knicker elastic of national identity, asking what a much-mythologised hero king – and really big pants – can tell us about being English today. (60 minute performance, contains some adult material)

Queens of Albion: Bronze and Stone

In the days before Britain had been named, they were the first to set foot on the island. Sisters. Refugees. Shipwrecked and storm-weary. On the hunt for a home of their own. A land where they could live free. So how come we’ve forgotten the story of our first (and fiercest) mythic mothers? Queens of Albion sets the record straight – as well as spilling the beans on how a giant made me miss my ninth birthday party. (60 minute performance, contains some adult material)

Unladylike Tales from the Age of Aethelflaed

In the days of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, the lives of royal women wove together the bright and dark threads of an emerging England. Inspired by the history of Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, this fiercely poetic story-set sheds new light on the mothers and daughters, holy women and city-builders and queens, whose courage and vision went towards the shaping of a nation. (55 minute performance)